Saturday, September 20, 2008

Laugh At It All...

So you may or may not know that the song "Laugh" is a true story; it was written about a random conversation I had with an older woman named Besedka. She and I have since become really great friends. I call her for advice, and sometimes just to chat. Whenever I'm up north in San Fransisco, I stop by her apartment to have tea and catch up. Besedka is now 83 years old, but if you talked to her you'd never know it. She has such a vibrant, beautiful way about her...anyway, I recently finally got a chance to play the song I wrote about her in her presence. I hoped it brought her joy to see that she has had such a positive influence on me. What was her reaction? She laughed the whole time. She thought the song was great, but hilarious. And so she lives her own advice, haha...